
Birthstone Jewelry - All Months of the Year

  Want to find the meaning and history of  birthstones   by month. Also, find the perfect birthstone jewelry for yourself or a loved one. Garnet:  January Birthstone Those born in January are lucky to have the beautiful and diverse garnet as their birthstone. Garnets are commonly red but also come in an extraordinary range of beautiful colors, including orange, yellow, purple and vibrant green. Some believe the true value of the garnet birthstone is its power to bring the wearer good health, wealth and happiness. Garnets come in every color except blue, but their most popular variation is the iconic red for which they are known. Shop Garnet Jewelry  Amethyst:  February Birthstone Browse our amethyst gemstone jewelry including necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets to find the perfect gift for a loved one. The jewel of royalty, amethyst is February’s birthstone. With being one of the most precious and valuable forms of quartz.  Amethyst owes its vivid color to iron and aluminum trace